Penn State’s IT Services recommends dumping Microsoft Internet Explorer immediately

“Over the past several months, considerable attention has been paid to the security problems surrounding Microsoft’s Internet Explorer by the general news media and information technology departments in higher education. The Computer Emergency and Response Team, Carnegie Mellon University’s federally funded research group formed to deal with security issues on the Internet, has issued numerous vulnerability alerts and recommends that users switch to a different Web browser,” Penn State Live reports.

As a result, Penn State’s Information Technology Services (ITS) is urging that the University computing community use standards-based Web browsers other than Internet Explorer to help minimize exposure to attacks that occur through browser vulnerabilities. Web browser options include Firefox, one of several alternatives available for Windows, MAC [sic] and other operating systems. It works with all Web-based applications used at Penn State: ANGEL, eLion, AIS applications, etc., and is well-supported by the ITS Help Desks. Other viable Web browsers include Mozilla, Netscape Communicator and Opera, which can be found at the ITS downloads site at on the Web. The Safari Web browser for Apple computers is available at

ITS has made this recommendation because the threats are real and alternatives exist to mitigate Web browser vulnerabilities. All of the recommended alternative Web browsers easily can import bookmarks and most other settings that had been used in Internet Explorer. To see other important actions that can be taken to ensure safer computing, visit

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: “MAC” stands for “Media Access Control.” “Mac” is short for Apple “Macintosh.”


  1. What people forget is that the Windows operating system still uses ‘explorer’ for its “windows”. The solution to the problem is only half done when you switch browsers.

    You go to get rid of them entirely to be safe.

  2. Jeff: For many uses/users Safari is better than Firefox, because Safari is a Cocoa app. That means better integration with other Cocoa apps using Services. For my suite of apps, Safari is much more powerful than Firefox.

  3. Correct me if I am wrong,

    Wasn’t Penn state the one who gave all their students Napster?? Doesn’t the Napster service require Windows Media Player?? Doesn’t WMP require IE in order to access the WEB??

    If this train of thought is correct, somebody is getting screwed.

  4. Gecko vs KHTML != Firefox vs Safari.

    Apple built Safari on KHTML from KDE, Khtml is very fast, lightweight rendering engine. It’s not quite finished yet(hence the render bugs) but it is a good deal faster than Gecko.

    Khtml is the more elegant solution so of course Apple went with it.

  5. This kind of stuff/news needs to get out there to the people. Not just mentioned here in this website. TV, radio, newspapers. Especialy in countries like, well, here in Oz for a start. People are oblivious to the world around them. As long as they have their Aussie Idol or the Simpsons, everyones happy. Good way to control the masses heh.

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